What will the devs do about the silver/essence duplicators in Skull and Bones?

Posted: 2024-04-12

Posted: 2024-04-12

Source: MMOWOW

In the world of Skull and Bones, a debate rages on about the fate of the silver/essence duplicators. Players are divided between those advocating for a ban and those indifferent to the issue.



Players worry about the game’s health if cheats run rampant.

Some see the grind as a necessary evil, even if it means playing by the rules.

Debate over the abundance of silver complicates the issue.

Players’ Sentiments

Many-King-6250 noted the game’s decline might deter devs from addressing cheats, making players apprehensive about the future player base.

BadMonkeyBad expressed initial excitement about a cheat but felt disheartened by the need for a friend to use it, leading to a return to grinding.

denchy07 raised suspicions of a panicking player potentially caught in cheating and facing repercussions.

Debating Silver Abundance

ApeDownvoteMe advocated for banning cheaters but highlighted a surplus of silver, questioning the necessity of more powerful items and the current gear system.

Cyklisk dismissed concerns about cheating, boasting a substantial amount of silver earned legitimately, implying little impact from potential bans.

Mapex_nl painted a vivid picture of the duping situation, likening it to robbing a bank, and urged the devs to take strict actions against offenders, emphasizing fair play.

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