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Aion Classic EU confirms Executioner class, new instances, and level cap raise
Posted: 2024-02-26
The roadmap bug continues to proliferate across our genre, as Aion Classic EU shared its own 2024 roadmap last month in snazzy video format, which highlights plans for the server from January through June. The first half of the year will be punctuated by Update 2.7 in March and April, which will introduce the new Executioner class and open up new instances, while this summer brings Update 2.8 and a raise to the MMORPG’s level cap. Along the way, players can look for quality-of-life updates like cube and warehouse expansions, easier to get manastones, more crafting materials, and improved instance drops, as well as more events including the server’s first anniversary. The video roadmap awaits below the cut. In the meantime, Aion EU has been kicking off events for both Classic and Live: There is a new Daeva Pass, an event pass, loot events, and a Valentine’s Day event for Classic, while the Magical Frostcat event and Secret Hellpath event are still on until Wednesday, February 7th, in Live.