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EU Central - Gienah

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 10000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 10000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 20000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 20000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 30000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 30000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 40000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 40000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 50000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 50000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 60000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 60000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 70000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 70000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 80000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 80000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 100000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 100000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 150000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 150000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 200000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 200000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 300000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 300000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 500000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 500000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 600000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 600000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 800000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 800000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 900000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 900000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 1000000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 1000000G

  • Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 2000000G

    Lost Ark Gold EU Central Gienah 2000000G


About Lost Ark Gold

Lsot AR Gold is one of the many currencies in the MMORPG. However, it can hardly be denied that it is one of the most important means of payment in the game that you will constantly need. Not only can you upgrade your gear, but it also serves as currency in the Auction House that players can trade with each other. However, since most in-game items are not tied to a character or account and can therefore be sold, you can easily purchase almost anything in-game with enough Lsot Ark Gold: gear, skins, engravings, potions, etc. Even things that are bought with real money currency can usually be sold and purchased in the auction house for gold. That’s why you do really need to farm Lsot Ark Gold for an easier life in the vast, vibrant world!

How To Get Lost Ark Gold?

When you arrive at Arkesia and Petrania, start exploring new lands, you will come across many different methods that you can use to get your hands on some gold, such as:

* Get bulk of gold as a reward from NPCs by improving relationship with them

* By completing the side quests with the yellow icon as well as the quests available on the new islands

* Una's daily and weekly quests give you Una Tokens to exchange for bags of Gold

* By completing the story of an island, you will earn Gold

* Run through Chaos Dungeons two per day per character and receive certain rewards

* Successfully completing a Guardian Raid, you will receive valuable upgrade materials, and earn a lot of gold

* Sell items to other players in the Auction House. Crafting your own items from Life Skills is a great way to earn Gold

Yes, you have diverse methods to farm LoA gold in the game by yourself, however, acquiring some coveted luxury items and content often costs you a pretty penny, so if you want to get enough Lsot AR gold in a short time, the fastest and most cost-effective way is to buy from MMOWOW.COM!

How to buy Lost Ark Gold at

1: Choose "Lost Ark" and select your server;

2: Select the amount of Lost Ark Gold For Sale to buy, click "BUY NOW" or "ADD TO CART";

3: Fill in the personal information correctly on the shopping cart interface;

4: Select one payment method and delivery method(Auction House/In Game Mail);

5: Complete the payment and wait for our delivery.

Do You Get Banned for Buying Lost Ark Gold

Based on our several years of trading experience and customer feedback since the game launched, no customers get banned for buying gold in this game. Lost Ark will only ban players who use bots. So if you want to buy Lost Ark Gold from a gold website, please make sure this site is legal, and their gold is safe, as buying gold from illegal websites will put your account at risk.With over 10 years of in-game currency trading experience, MMOWOW is a perfect place where you can buy safe Lost Ark gold. Our suppliers are farming lost ark gold using legal methods, and the gold is delivered in fast and safe ways.

Why Choose MMOWOW.COM?

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  • 24/7 Quality Support
    24/7 Quality Support

    We offer 24/7 online live support helping customer find a solution for any issues via LiveChat,Emails, WhatsApp and Discord!Feel free to contact us anytime.

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  • 24/7 Support
    100% Secure Transaction

    MMOWOW guarantees that you get what you pay for or receive a full refund! For sellers it provides chargeback protection -- there is no room for fraud here.

  • 100% Refund
    100% Refund

    Your money will be refunded as soon as you have cancelled your order – provided it has not been delivered yet. We will handle your request as fast as possible.

Lost Ark Gets a Roadmap Update, Region Merge, and Updates on 'Major Ban Wave' in Fight Against RMT
Lost Ark Gets a Roadmap Update, Region Merge, and Updates on 'Major Ban Wave' in Fight Against RMT
Lost Ark finally has a new roadmap update, taking us through the major content beats for the next two months, server merge plans, and a major region merge ahead. The Amazon team also updates on the latest ban wave and the continued fight against RMT. With the start of the second anniversary behind us, Smilegate RPG says in 2024, they are looking to add in more balance between bringing over content from the Korean version and balancing progression to minimize frustration. This month, there will be some events intended to prepare everyone for the arrival in March of the Road to Thaemine, and the arrival of Thaemine to challenge in April. Smilegate RPG and Amazon will work to figure out the best release schedule of the Echnida (Ladon) raid and the new continent of Kurzan and updates of existing content. This aims to address that frustration. There is no shortage of content and changes on the way though, and that’s where the big roadmap update comes in. The next round of server merges will happen on March 6th and March 13th across all regions, to better balance populations and access. Later, sometime over the summer, the biggest merge of all is coming: NA-East, NA-West, and SA will all merge into a single region. They plan to announce a lot more details before this happens, as they did when mergine European regions. As for what else is on the roadmap, next month, we can expect the Breaker class to finally arrive, along with that Road to Thaemine event and new progression events to help support the new class. They have several plans to help players get to 1600+ item level and to get themselves set up, like Honing event missions, and more rewards. Arkesia Grand Prix is returning as well. Meanwhile, Amazon has announced that they conducted another “major ban wave” against accounts with large amounts of RMT gold. They promise to take an escalating approach to punishing infractions, which includes suspensions to permanent bans, and they will take away RMT gold that they find. If you have spent RMT gold and they can’t take it, that increases the escalation and how much of a punishment you'll receive. In addition, they warn those that even if you spend plenty of cash in the game’s shop, this will not prevent RMT disciplinary action. Some of the recent bans included those who invested money into the game.